Matro Pitaneus, Symposium Atticum fr. I, 18–21 (O.-S.): echini


  • Elena Ermolaeva St. Petersburg State University


A fragment of Matro of Pitane preserved by Atheneus of Naucratis and conventionally entitled the “Attic Dinner-Party” is a masterpiece of epic gastronomy parody of 4-th c. BC. Th is article is devoted to interpretation of vv. I.18–21 where a narrator says that at the dinner-party he throws the sea-urchins down onto the floor and they roll among the feet of slaves like Patroclus’ helmet among the feet of horses. The long spiny hairs are pulled out from their head by the roots. The problem is why the narrator throws the urchins, whether he eats them or not, and who pulls out the spines of urchins: the narrator in order to make them edible or servants or the seaurchins themselves. I intend to prove that the narrator eats the sea-urchins with a great pleasure and throws their empty shells down. One of the arguments of my interpretation is ancient mosaics in technique of Asarotos oikos showing the picturesque dinner garbage. I think that the passage impresses better, if the point is that the sea-urchins themselves tear out their spines (I.21) like the Homeric Agamemnon does his hair (Il.10.15). Some inconveniences of verses I.18–21 could be explained by a technique of cento.


Matro of Pitane, Homer, versi detorti, hexameter, cento, sea-urchins


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20. Olson S. D., Sens A. Archestarchos of Gela. Greek cultural and cuisine in the fourth century BCE. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. LXXIII, 261 p.

21. Oppian, Colluthus, Thyphiodorus, transl. by A.W. Mair. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; London: W. Heinemann, 1987. LXXX, 635 p.

22. Peltzer B. I. De parodica Graecorum poë si et de Hipponactis, Hege monis, Matronis parodiarum fragmentis commentatio philologica. Monasterii: Typis Theissingianis, 1855. 68 p.

23. Schneider M. Zu Matron // Philologus. Goettingen, 1894. S. 381–383.

24. Schweighaeuser I. Animadversiones in Athenai Deipnosophistas post I. Casaubonum. T. 2. Argentorati, Soc. Bipontinae, 1802. 625 p.

25. Schwyzer E. Griechische Grammatik // Handbuch des Altertumswissenschaft. Abt. 2, Teil 1. Bd. II Syntax und syntaktische Stilistik / Vervollst. u. hrsg. von A. Debrunner. 5 Aufl . München: Beck, 1988. XXIII, 714 S.

26. Sens A. “Τίπτε γενὸς ἐμὸν ζητεῖς;”: Batrachomyomachia, Hellenistic Epic Parody, and Early Epic // F. Montanari, A. Rengakos. La poésie épique grecque: métamorphoses d’un genre littéraire. Genève: Fondation Hardt, 2005. XIII, 334 p.

27. Shero L. R. Lucilius’s Cena rustica // American Journal of Philology. 50 (1929). Pp. 64–70.

28. Soler J. G. El arte de comer en la Antigua Grecia. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2001. 462 p.

29. Stemplinger E. Das Plagiat in der griechischen Literatur. Leipzig; Berlin: Teubner, 1912. VI, 293 S.

30. Supplementum Hellenisticum, ed. H. Lloyd-Jones, P. Parsons. Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter, 1983. XXXI, 863 p.

31. Thompson d’ Arcy W. A glossary of Greek fi shes. London, Oxford University Press, 1947. 302 p.

32. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff U. von. Leserfrüchte und Verwandtes. Kleine Schrift en. IV. Besorgt von K. Latte. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1962. VIII, 721 S. (Hermes. 58 (1923). S. 57–86).


1. Afinei. Pir mudretsov: Kn. I–VIII, izd. podg. N.T. Golinkevich, M.G. Vitkovskaia, A.A. Grigor’eva i dr. [The Banquet of the Learned, Books 1–8, ed. by N.T. Golinkevich, M.G. Vitkovskaya, A.A. Grigorieva et al.]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2003. 656 s.

2. Sukhotin M. Tsentony i marginalii [Centos and Marginalia]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2001. 152 s.

3. Andreae B. Antike Bildmosaiken. 2 Aufl. Darmstadt; Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2012. 319 p.

4. Apicius l’art culinaire. 9 éd. Text ét. J. André. Paris, 1974. XXXII, 234 p.

5. Apicii decem libri qui dicuntur de coquinaria et excerpta a vinidario conscripta, ed. M. Milham. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1969. XVI, 116 S.

6. Athenaei Deipnosophistarum libri quindecim cum Iacobi Dalechampii Cadomensis Latine versione necon eiusdem adnotationibus et emendationibus, ad operis calcem reiectis editio postrema iuxta Isaaci Casauboni. Lugduni, Huguetan et Ravaud Lyon, 1657. 812 p.

7. Athenaeus. The Deipnosophists, with an English transl. by Ch. B. Gulick. Vol. II. London, W. Heinemann; Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1987. 616 p.

8. Brandt P. Parodorum epicorum Graecorum et Archestrati reliquiae. Lipsiae, Teubneri, 1888. 228 p.

9. Isaaki Casauboni Animadversionum in Athenaei Deipnosophistas libri quindecim. T. I–III. Lipsiae, 1796–1843.

10. Condello F. Note al Convivium Atticum di Matrone (fr. I O.-S. = SH 534). Eikasmos. XIII (2002). Pp. 133–150.

11. Curtis R.I. Ancient food technology. Leiden; Boston; K.ln, Brill Academic Publishers, 2001. 541 p.

12. Daremberg Ch., Salio E. Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecque et Romaines. T. II, p. 1. Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1892. 946 p.

13. Degani E. Problems in Greek gastronomic poetry. On Matron’s Attikon Deipnon. Food in Antiquity, ed. by J. Wilkins, D. Harvey and M. Dobson. Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 1995. Pp. 413–428.

14. Denniston J.D. The Greek particles. 2nd ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1954. LXXXII, 658 p.

15. Ebeling H. Lexicon Homericum. Vol. I. Hildesheim, Olms, 1963. 1184 S.

16. Geta O. Medea, ed. G. Salanitro. Rome, Edizioni dell’Ateneo, 1981. 176 p.

17. Keller O. Antike Tierwelt. B. 2. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1913. 619 S.

18. Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos. Begr. B. Snell. B. 1. Göttingen, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 1980. S. 1563–1579.

19. Olson S.D., Sens A. Matro of Pitane and the Tradition of Epic Parody in the Fourth Century BCE, text, transl. and comm., American Philological Association. (American Classical studies. № 44.) Atlanta, Scholars Press, 1999. XIV, 174 p.

20. Olson S.D., Sens A. Archestarchos of Gela. Greek cultural and cuisine in the fourth century BCE. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press, 2000. LXXIII, 261 p.

21. Oppian, Colluthus, Thyphiodorus, transl. by A.W. Mair. Cambridge, Harvard University Press; London, W. Heinemann, 1987. LXXX, 635 p.

22. Peltzer B.I. De parodica Graecorum po. si et de Hipponactis, Hegemonis, Matronis parodiarum fragmentis commentatio philologica. Monasterii, Typis Theissingianis, 1855. 68 p.

23. Schneider M. Zu Matron. Philologus. Goettingen, 1894. S. 381–383.

24. Schweighaeuser I. Animadversiones in Athenai Deipnosophistas post I. Casaubonum. T. 2. Argentorati, Soc. Bipontinae, 1802. 625 p.

25. Schwyzer E. Griechische Grammatik. Handbuch des Altertumswissenschaft. Abt. 2, Teil 1. Bd. II Syntax und syntaktische Stilistik, Vervollst. u. hrsg. von A. Debrunner. 5 Aufl . München, Beck, 1988. XXIII, 714 S.

26. Sens A. “Τίπτε γενὸς ἐμὸν ζητεῖς;”: Batrachomyomachia, Hellenistic Epic Parody, and Early Epic. F. Montanari, A. Rengakos. La poésie épique grecque: métamorphoses d’un genre littéraire. Genève, Fondation Hardt, 2005. XIII, 334 p.

27. Shero L.R. Lucilius’s Cena rustica. American Journal of Philology. 50 (1929). Pp. 64–70.

28. Soler J.G. El arte de comer en la Antigua Grecia. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2001. 462 p.

29. Stemplinger E. Das Plagiat in der griechischen Literatur. Leipzig; Berlin, Teubner, 1912. VI, 293 S.

30. Supplementum Hellenisticum, ed. H. Lloyd-Jones, P. Parsons. Berlin; New York, W. de Gruyter, 1983. XXXI, 863 p.

31. Thompson d’ Arcy W. A glossary of Greek fishes. London, Oxford University Press, 1947. 302 p.

32. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff U. von. Leserfrüchte und Verwandtes. Kleine Schriften. IV. Besorgt von K. Latte. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1962. VIII, 721 S. (Hermes. 58. (1923). S. 57–86).



How to Cite

Ermolaeva, E. (2014). Matro Pitaneus, Symposium Atticum fr. I, 18–21 (O.-S.): echini. Philologia Classica, 9, 118–141. Retrieved from



I. Ancient Greek Language and Literature