“Opus trium deorum”: A Note on the Origin of Annotationes ex Scriptis Karoli Episcopi Arosiensis


  • Arsenij A. Vetushko-Kalevich Lunds Universitet, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Helgonabacken 12, Box 201, 22100 Lund, Sverige




One of the most famous academic conflicts in 17th century Sweden was a quarrel between Johannes Schefferus and Olof Verelius in the 1670s concerning the original position of the city of Uppsala and its heathen temple, mentioned by Adam of Bremen. After a series of publications with mutual attacks Verelius published in 1678 a document entitled Annotationes ex scriptis Karoli Episcopi Arosiensis excerptae, pretending to go back to a lost medieval source. Schefferus answered with an analysis of the document, proving it to be a forgery. Despite Schefferus’ brilliant and convincing philological investigation, Annotationes have often been regarded as a genuine medieval source, especially after the publication of a monograph by the Swedish historian Kjell Kumlien in 1967. Recently, several historical and philological surveys have opposed Kumlien’s views, providing additional arguments in favour of Schefferus’ claims. This article aims at adding one more: an odd juncture in the text of Annotationes — ‘opus trium deorum’ that is to be understood as ‘a temple of three gods’ — can be explained by an ambition of the forger to imitate Adam of Bremen, whose text belonged to the central ones in the controversy.

Ключевые слова:

Johannes Schefferus, Olof Verelius, literary forgery, genitivus subiectivus, Gamla Upsala


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Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Vetushko-Kalevich, A. A. . (2020). “Opus trium deorum”: A Note on the Origin of Annotationes ex Scriptis Karoli Episcopi Arosiensis. Philologia Classica, 15(1), 154–161. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu20.2020.111



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