Explaining the history of some forms of Latin by multicausality


  • Evgeny G. Filimonov St. Petersburg State University


Some changes in the course of the language history are better explained as caused by more than one factor, usually by one driving force and one (or more) catalyst. It is proposed that some combinations of factors (vowel deletion in puere > puer and the analogical influence of the type pater, mater, soror) are likely to occur simultaneously whereas others (the suffix -u- в mortuus explained due to the analogy with its antonymous adjective vivus or due to the contamination of two different suffixes t and v) are logically non compatible with each other. In some cases it is hard to decide which force was leading (e.g. the difference in the forms of Dat. Sg. IVNONE SEISPITEI MATRI can be accounted both — for the different frequency of those nouns and for a personal stylistic choice by the writer deciding between different coexisting reflexes).


Historical grammar of Latin, language change


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How to Cite

Filimonov, E. G. . (2014). Explaining the history of some forms of Latin by multicausality. Philologia Classica, 9, 323–333. Retrieved from https://philclass.spbu.ru/article/view/7716



II. Latin Language and Literature