Reception of classical antiquity in Gogol's work: From travesty to tragedy


  • Anna V. Uspenskaya Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences


The article deals with diverse connections of Gogol’s works with classical culture. Antique elements in his works performed different functions: on the one hand — the construction of scenes and images to the famous archetypal first principles makes it possible to reveal their deep, implicit sense at first glance, gives the narrative a universal character. Outside the antique connotations it is impossible to understand the “Staroswetskiye pomeshchiki” as well as the collection “Myrgorod” as a whole, and the story “The Overcoat”. On the other hand — they give the opportunity to Gogol, combining travesty and the tragic, to build global and historic-cultural schemes, clarifying the complex relations between Russian Culture and the European Renaissance, and the opportunities and prospects for the future path of Russia.


intertextual relations, reception of classical antiquity, N. Gogol


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How to Cite

Uspenskaya, A. V. . (2014). Reception of classical antiquity in Gogol’s work: From travesty to tragedy. Philologia Classica, 9, 368–386. Retrieved from



IV. Reception of classical antiquity