The ancient motifs in “The Hagiography of Mary Magdalene” of Jacobus de Voragine


  • Irina V. Narusevich St. Petersburg State University


This article analyzes the ancient motifs in “Th e Hagiography of Mary Magdalene”, which is a part of a hagiographic collection “The Golden Legend”, written by Jacobus de Voragine in the middle of XIII century. The author of the article exposes the motifs and narrative elements that came into “The Hagiography” from the Greek novel of I–III century: a motif of separation of a married couple, a motif of persecution, a motif of travel and an associated with the latter motif of a sea storm, a motif of a supposed death, a motif of a providential dream, a narrative of abandoned and again found children, etc. The result of the comparative analysis of the motifs and narrative elements is the author’s conclusion that the plot scheme and the composition of one of the parts of “The Hagiography” are based on the canons, according to which the Greek love-story novel used to be written; the author also tries to identify the source they came from into the hagiographer’s work. Analyzing the combination of the motif of a sea travel and the motif of a supposed death of a character that was giving birth to a child on the ship, the author infers that this episode had possibly been borrowed from the anonymous author of the “The Tale of Apollonius of Tyre”.


ancient motifs, Greek novel, Jacobus de Voragine, “Th e Golden Legend”, “Legenda aurea”, Mary Magdalene, hagiography


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9. Boureau A. La legende doreé: La système narratif de Jacque de Voragine. Paris, Cerf, 1984. 288 p.

10. Die Pseudoklementinen II. Recognitionen, ed. B. Rehm und F. Paschke. Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 51. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1965. CXI, 387 p.

11. Jacobi a Voragine. Legenda aurea, recensuit dr. Th. Graesse. Ed. 3. Vratislaviae, 1890. Caput XCVI: De sancta Maria Magdalena. 280 s.

12. Perry B.E. The Ancient Romances: A Literary-Historical Account of their Origins. Berkley, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1967. XII, 407 p.

13. Reames Sherry L. The Legenda aurea: A Reexamination of its Paradoxical History. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1985. VIII, 321 p.

14. Smyth A. Shakespeare’s Pericles and Apollonius of Tyre. Philadelphia, MacCalla & Co., 1898. 112 p.



How to Cite

Narusevich, I. V. . (2014). The ancient motifs in “The Hagiography of Mary Magdalene” of Jacobus de Voragine. Philologia Classica, 9, 288–304. Retrieved from



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