Focus of the τὰ ἐρωτικά visual perception in the Greek literature


  • Larisa B. Poplavskaya St. Petersburg State University


In the article “The Focus of the τὰ ἐρωτικά visual perception in the Greek Literature” the author talks about the perception of Love, psychological state of a person seized with strong feelings from his own point of view as well as the author’s and the reader’s. Th e author makes his readers to experience the same feelings as the heroes do. This co-experience forms the mirror reflecting the events inside the novel. Th e clash of desire and reality forced the hero to experience the antagonistic feelings at the same time. Sappho fr. 130 Lobel — Page, Catullus 85, the poems about the mixed nature of Love in the epigrams of “Antologia Palatina”; А. Р. XI, 252; XII, 63; XII, 126.


focus of visual perception, duality of love, author’s vision, co-experience of the reader


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1. Круазе А. и М. История греческой литературы / пер. В. С. Елисеевой, под ред. С. А. Жебелёва. Петроград, 1916; изд. под ред. С. И. Межерицкой. СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2008. 701 с.

2. Набоков В. Дневник. 5 мая 1974 г. // Лаура и ее оригинал: Фрагменты романа. СПб.: Азбука, 2010. 192 с.

3. Протопопова И. А. Ксенофонт Эфесский и поэтика иносказания. М.: РГГУ, 2001. 484 с.

4. Carson А. Eros the Bittersweet. London: Dalkey Archive Press, 2005. 189 p.

5. Foucault M. The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Pantheon Books, 1973. 404 p.

6. Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta / rec. A. Nauck. 2nd ed. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1889. XXVI, 1022 p.


1. Kruaze A. i M. Istoriia grecheskoi literatury [History of Greek Literature], per. V.S. Eliseevoi, pod red. S.A. Zhebeleva [transl. by V.S. Eliseeva, ed. by S.A. Zhebelev]. Petrograd, 1916. S. 630, n. 1; Izd. pod red. S.I. Mezheritskoi [ed. S.I. Mezheritskaya]. Saint Petersburg, SPbGU Publ., 2008. 701 s.

2. Nabokov V. Dnevnik. 15 maia 1974 g. [Diary. 15 May 1974]. Laura i ee original: Fragmenty romana [The Original of Laura: Fragments of the Novel]. Saint Petersburg, Azbuka Publ., 2010. 192 s.

3. Protopopova I.A. Ksenofont Efesskii i poetika inoskazaniia [Xenophon of Ephesus and Poetics of the Parable]. Moscow, RGGU Publ., 2001. 484 s.

4. Carson А. Eros the Bittersweet. London, Dalkey Archive Press, 2005. 189 p.

5. Foucault M. The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. New York, Pantheon Books, 1973. 404 p.

6. Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, rec. A.Nauck. 2nd ed. Lipsiae, Teubner, 1889. XXVI, 1022 p.



How to Cite

Poplavskaya, L. (2014). Focus of the τὰ ἐρωτικά visual perception in the Greek literature. Philologia Classica, 9, 168–182. Retrieved from



I. Ancient Greek Language and Literature