Empedocles emulating Anaxagoras and Pythagoras (D. L. VIII, 56)


  • Dmitry V. Panchenko St. Petersburg State University


Diogenes Laertius cites Alcidamas for the statement that Empedocles emulated Anaxagoras and Pythagoras in dignity of bearing and the philosophy of nature. Contrary to the standard view, there is much in the evidence to support the natural understanding of Alcidamas’ statement that Empedocles imitated Anaxagoras in his manners and Pythagoras in his teaching.


Empedocles, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Anaximander, Alcidamas


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5. Burkert W. Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972. 546 p.

6. McKirahan R. Philosophy Before Socrates. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.; Cambridge, 2010. XVIII, 494 p.

7. Panchenko D. Eudemus Fr. 145 Wehrli and the Ancient Theories of Lunar Light // Eudemus of Rhodes / eds. I. Bodnár, W. W. Fortenbaugh (Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities). 11. 2002. Pp. 323–336.


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10. Panchenko D.V. Paradoks Pifagora [The Pythagorean Paradox]. Indoevropeiskoe iazykoznanie i klassicheskaia fi lologiia — XII [Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology — XII]. Saint Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2008. S. 355–364.

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12. Burkert W. Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1972. 546 p.

13. McKirahan R. Philosophy Before Socrates. 2nd ed. Indianapolis, Hackett Pub. Co.; Cambridge, 2010. XVIII, 494 p.

14. Panchenko D. Eudemus Fr. 145 Wehrli and the Ancient Theories of Lunar Light. Eudemus of Rhodes. Bodnár I., Fortenbaugh W.W., eds. (Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities). 11. 2002. Pp. 323–336.



How to Cite

Panchenko, D. (2014). Empedocles emulating Anaxagoras and Pythagoras (D. L. VIII, 56). Philologia Classica, 9, 142–149. Retrieved from https://philclass.spbu.ru/article/view/7675



I. Ancient Greek Language and Literature