Alexander Pushkin’s Verse “A Monument I’ve Raised Not Built with Hands…” and Its Final Lines in Terms of Harmony


  • O. N. Grinbaum St Petersburg State University


The paper covers comprehension issues of the “Monument” written by Alexander Pushkin. They concern the central aspect of the poem’s study, i. e. a correlation between rhythm and meaning from a specific poetic text in their integral harmonic unity. The rhythmic and harmonic analysis made by the author contradicts with S. M. Bondi’s view of the final quatrain as “the most apocalyptic and saddest lines” within the poem. Being aware of possible various approaches and interpretations of the text, the author believes that the final lines of the poem written by Pushkin, who had been always alien to the “strain of inspiration”, seemingly reflect those poet’s harmonious condition and spiritual mood, which are a prerequisite for creation. An emotional characteristic from the final strophe in the “Monument” if considered regardless of the poet’s further tragic destiny, is hardly recommended to be condensed up to the apocalyptically / happily dilemma. The analysis performed by the author confirms that M. P. Alekseev was right having admitted an opportunity that this Pushkin’s poem resulted from a free, natural and unintentional process that calms the heart.


A. S. Pushkin, poetic text, harmonic analysis, rhythm, subject, golden ratio


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How to Cite

Grinbaum, O. (2015). Alexander Pushkin’s Verse “A Monument I’ve Raised Not Built with Hands…” and Its Final Lines in Terms of Harmony. Philologia Classica, 10, 284–302. Retrieved from


