Simile as an Interpretation of Its Source: Verg. Aen. XII, 697–703


  • A. V. Kotova St Petersburg State University


The article touches upon a simile comparing Aeneas to mountains Athos, Eryx and Appenninus (Aen. XII, 697–703), that is based on description of Hector (Hom. Il. XIII, 754–755). The author examines how the simile correlates with its source and discusses its tertium comparationis. Probable interpretations of the Homeric passage are also canvassed. Special discussion is devoted to the choice of the mountains that are mentioned in the simile: the author reviews probable reasons of “unproportional” description of Appenninus and especially of use of ipse and pater.


Vergil, «Aeneis», similes


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Wilkins E.G. A Classification of the Similes in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius. The Classical Weekly. 19211. Vol. 14. Pp. 162–166.

Wilkins E.G. A Classification of the Similes in Vergil’s Aeneid and Georgics. The Classical Weekly. 19212. Vol. 14. Pp. 170–174.

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How to Cite

Kotova, A. (2015). Simile as an Interpretation of Its Source: Verg. Aen. XII, 697–703. Philologia Classica, 10, 167–185. Retrieved from



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