The Cicero’s Poetry and Vergil: About the Inheritance


  • E. V. Antonetz Lomonosov Moscow State University


The Cicero’s influence on Vergil is the most discussed question. In this paper some new parallels between Cicero’s poem Marius and the Aeneid of Vergil have been detected. Among these parallels are metrical peculiarities and some phrases, which seem to be borrowed by Vergil from Marius. They prove that Vergil knew Cicero’s Marius very well and did imitate Cicero’s poetical language, metric and stylistic in the Aeneid.


Cicero, Vergil, poems, influence


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How to Cite

Antonetz, E. (2015). The Cicero’s Poetry and Vergil: About the Inheritance. Philologia Classica, 10, 136–150. Retrieved from



II. Latin Language and Literature