Verb Forms with Aspectual Semantics in Latin and Ancient Greek in the Text of the New Testament (Gospel of Mark)


  • Evgeny G. Filimonov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Maksim L. Fedotov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The results of a comparative study of verb forms with aspectual semantics in Ancient Greek (Koine) (which has an overt category of aspect) and Latin (where aspect is rather a covert category), based on the Gospel of Mark, have shown that the expected correspondence of verb forms appears to be standard in the material as well: it is found in the majority of cases (97,6 % of the Ancient Greek Aorist translated by the Latin Perfect, and 89,4 % of the Ancient Greek Imperfect/Present translated by the Latin Imperfect). Therefore, there must be a considerable semantic overlap between the Ancient Greek Aorist and the Latin Perfect forms and between the Ancient Greek Imperfect/Present forms and the Latin Imperfect forms. For each pair, there must be a common semantic core, corresponding in the first case to the perfective, and in the second case to the imperfective viewpoints. In the minority of cases, we find deviations from this standard correspondence. Some of them can be explained by the trivial fact that the context allows freedom in the choice of the aspectual viewpoint. However, in several cases, the discrepancies are not accidental and can be explained by the existence of specific differences between the grammatical systems of two languages. These include iterative contexts and contexts with speech verbs.


Gospel of Mark, aspect, covert category, aspectual semantics, verb, Ancient Greek, Koine, Latin, Aorist, Perfect, Imperfect, perfective, imperfective


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How to Cite

Filimonov, E. G., & Fedotov, M. L. (2024). Verb Forms with Aspectual Semantics in Latin and Ancient Greek in the Text of the New Testament (Gospel of Mark). Philologia Classica, 19(1), 37–46.



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