Из учения Аполлония Дискола о грамматических лицах
The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the fact that certain features of the definition of the grammatical persons according to the most prominent linguist of classical antiquity Apollonius Dyscolus studiously neglected (as it is clear in comparison with those adopted) in the XIX century linguistics as well as some consequences of the polemical inquiry by Apollonius into the definition of the grammatical persons according to Dionysius Thrax are strikingly similar to a number of “modern” literary and linguistic ideas. Thus, an interpretation of the mentioned polemical inquiry (De pronomine p. 19, 1–8) is attempted which, apart from being more suitable to the grammatical structure of the passage (p. 19, 2–5) than that proposed in R. Schneider’s commentary, is correlating with the interpretation of a speech act as having ‘expression —appeal — explication [Ausdruck—Appell—Darstellung]’ functions in K. Bühler’s theory.
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Статьи журнала «Philologia Classica» находятся в открытом доступе и распространяются в соответствии с условиями Лицензионного Договора с Санкт-Петербургским государственным университетом, который бесплатно предоставляет авторам неограниченное распространение и самостоятельное архивирование.