Why “River” is more Animate than “Cancer”: Explaining Some Unusual Cases of Animacy in Latin


  • E. V. Zheltova St Petersburg State University


The article deals with some peripheral phenomena concerning category of animacy, i. e. nouns without strict correlation between biological and grammatical animacy. Using the PHI-5 electronic data base, the author analyses different groups of such nouns in Latin, comparing them with relevant groups in Russian and some other languages, the results being presented in 5 tables. The general conclusions to be drawn from this study are: animacy in Latin is dynamic and gradual category, its periphery is wider than in Russian, some non-standard phenomena can be explained as a result of a competition between different parameters, i. e. grammar, semantics and logics.


peripheral phenomena of animacy, Latin language, competition between language parameters


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How to Cite

Zheltova, E. (2015). Why “River” is more Animate than “Cancer”: Explaining Some Unusual Cases of Animacy in Latin. Philologia Classica, 10, 245–266. Retrieved from https://philclass.spbu.ru/article/view/7612



II. Latin Language and Literature