Latin in Soviet Secondary Schools (1948–1954): Philology and Ideology


  • Artyom M. Skvortsov Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 32a, Leninsky pr., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation; Chelyabinsk State University, 129, ul. Bratyev Kashirinikh, Chelyabinsk, 454001, Russian Federation



In the years between 1948 and 1954, several schools in the Soviet Union incorporated Latin into the curriculum for high school students. To implement the reform, S. P. Kondratyev and A. I. Vasnetsov developed a textbook that has gone through four editions. The textbook includes chrestomathic materials with excerpts from Latin texts and methodological recommendations. The manuals were compiled hastily without adequate discussion of their content. The innovation, which consisted in the reorganization of grammatical material, the different selection of original Latin texts (extracts from the works of Herodotus, Justin, and Maciej Miechowita describing the ancient state of territories that were part of the Soviet Union), and an increase in the proportion of historical and linguistic material in the explanation of grammar rules, met with disapproval from the professional community of classical philologists, who criticized the teaching and methodological approach of the course. Kondratyev and Vasnetsov only made concessions by 1953, but they tried to strengthen the ideological and educational components in the teaching of Latin in schools. The adapted texts and proverbs chosen for the students demonstrated those characteristics of the Romans that corresponded with the ideal of a Soviet person (collectivism, courage, determination in overcoming difficulties, humility, comradeship, selflessness, etc.). A number of historical and linguistic references in textbooks allude to contemporary events and, consequently, play the role of political education. For example, the preservation of the Roman vocabulary in conditions of dependence on the Etruscans can be compared to the resistance of the Slavic population in Bulgaria. However, the experiment was abandoned in 1954. This article considers the teaching and methodology of Latin as a marker of ideological processes. The introduction of this subject in secondary schools fits within the general context of late Stalinist classicism.


history of classical philology, Latin language, secondary school, history of education, Soviet school


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How to Cite

Skvortsov, A. M. (2024). Latin in Soviet Secondary Schools (1948–1954): Philology and Ideology. Philologia Classica, 19(1), 164–181.



De philologis et philologia