„Bamberger Zyklus“ von Albrecht von Eyb: die Schaffung der humanistischen Literatur in Deutschland um die Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts





Albrecht von Eyb (1420–1475) — was a canon, lawyer, and writer, one of the first northern humanists of the 15th century. Eyb went down in the history of German literature primarily as the author of a treatise on marriage (Ehebüchlein, 1472) and as the first translator of Plautus’ comedies (part of Spiegel der Sitten, 1474). These significant works were preceded by the first humanist textbook of rhetoric written in Germany (Margarita poetica, 1459), which was the result of a 15-year stay in Italy and acquaintance with the humanist culture of the time. This article studies a cycle of Latin works (1451), Eyb’s first attempt at writing, which were later partially included in his Margarita. The four Latin opuscula, which I call here the ‘Bamberg Cycle’, were composed during Eyb’s one-year visit in Bamberg, when he was forced to interrupt his studies for a while to secure an income from his prebenda. The works of the cycle are united by the young author’s ambition to imitate humanist literature of his time, from which he borrows not only themes but also form. While it remains impossible to identify the precise audience for these works, or the reason that prompted Eyb to write them, a closer look at these works-exercises, which remain in the shadow of the author’s more successful works, allows us to trace the ways in which the ancient and humanist heritage was received and adapted. Thus, the works of the ‘cycle’ become important material not only for the study of Albrecht von Eyb’s writings, but also for the formation of humanist identity in mid-15th-century Germany, at a time when the institutionalisation of the movement and its further flourishing were only just emerging.


Albrecht von Eyb, humanistic literature, German literature of the 15th century


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How to Cite

Mazhaev, I. S. (2024). „Bamberger Zyklus“ von Albrecht von Eyb: die Schaffung der humanistischen Literatur in Deutschland um die Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Philologia Classica, 19(1), 87–100. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu20.2024.106



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