A Rudimentary Motif in Greek Epic (Pylos Combat Agate and the Iliad 3. 369–376)


  • Nikolai N. Kazansky Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 9, Touchkov per., St Petersburg, 199053, Russian Federation; St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9279-9539




In 2015, Jack Davis and Sharon Stocker, while excavating the so-called “Tomb of a warrior with a griffin”, discovered an agate seal with an extraordinarily detailed depiction of a combat scene. It shows a warrior armed with a sword only, bending over his adversary’s shield, grabbing him by the crest of his helmet and using it as leverage to render him absolutely powerless. The article studies the image on the Pylos combat agate as a reflection of an early epic narrative. It is shown that the account of the combat between Menelaus and Paris in the Iliad (3. 369–376) is an elaboration on a traditional epic narrative that was preserved in the text of the Iliad as a rudimentary motif (following Th. Zelinsky’s terminology). The comparison of this narrative with the Pylos combat agate allows us to comment the Homeric episode in a new way, insofar as it preserves the description of the type of helmet that was in use in the 16th–15th centuries BCE. This helmet would have permitted the adversary to turn the helmeted warrior’s head in the way that is depicted on the Pylos combat agate. It is noteworthy that the Homeric account begins with “were it not for…”, negating the version of events that was the basis of the earlier epic narrative. As a result, we are able to reconstruct several fragments of the heroic epos going back to early Mycenaean times, unsurprisingly connected (as already surmised by Ruijgh) with Peloponnesus of the 17th–15th centuries BCE.


Greek epic, Homer, Iliad, rudimentary motif, Pylos Combat Agate, combat of Menelaus and Paris (Il. 3. 369–376)


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How to Cite

Kazansky, N. N. . (2022). A Rudimentary Motif in Greek Epic (Pylos Combat Agate and the Iliad 3. 369–376). Philologia Classica, 17(2), 202–225. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu20.2022.201



Graecia antiqua