Editorial Policy of the Journal

The journal Philologia Classica published by St Petersburg State University Publishing House is an interdisciplinary periodical publishing research in the field of Classical philology, covering a broad range of topics including Ancient literature, Ancient Greek and Latin languages, textual criticism, papyrology, epigraphy, Indo-European linguistics, history of Ancient art, Ancient philosophy, religion and material culture, provided they are based on the profound knowledge and analysis of ancient texts. Articles on the history of Classical studies and reception of Ancient culture in the Mediaeval (including Byzantine) and Modern European culture are also welcome should they only be firmly grounded in Graeco-Roman antiquity.

Philologia Classica will consider submissions based on both traditional scholarship and newly developed scientific approaches. Although the journal addresses current problems in Classics and seeks to offer new insights having among its contributors the leading researchers in the field, it was conceived with both a fully fledged professional and a beginner in mind. Articles may prove to be useful for classical scholars, historians, archaeologists, art and literature historians, and linguists. The interdisciplinary nature of published research and its accessibility to wide readership single this journal out among its Russian and foreign peers publishing in the same field.

Depending on the contributions submitted, the editors will assign them to the following sections:
— Graecia antiqua (Ancient Greece),
— Orbis Romanus (Roman World),
— Antiquitas perennis (Classical Heritage),
— De philologis et philologia (On Philologists and Philology),
— Latinitas media et nova (Middle and New Latin),
— Miscellanea (Miscellany).

Philologia Classica will accept manuscripts not only in Russian, but also in the traditional languages of Classics: German, English, French, Italian and Latin. The journal is open to collaboration with Russian and foreign academic and educational peer institutions. Its international character is manifest also in the composition of the editorial board with researchers from Russia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, France, the USA and other countries. The editorial board of Philologia Classica aspire in a joint effort to make Philologia Classica one of the leading journals in the field by 2020.

Submissions offered for publication in Philologia Classica should meet the guidelines laid down for contributors to academic journals (see Notes to Contributors section) and to follow the code of ethical conduct formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and involving all parties to the publication process: authors, editors and referees (see Publishing Ethics section). The editors submit all the contributions to double blind refereeing (see Reviewing Procedure section) and are on guard should a conflict of interests occur between the parties concerned.

The journal is published in June and December in each year.