Jaan Unt (1947-2012) in Leningrad


  • Aleksandr K. Gavrilov St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


These are recollections about the late Estonian scholar who studied classics at the Leningrad State University in middle 1970ies. The author tells about main teachers of Jaan Unt, professors A. I. Dovatur and A. I. Zaicev; it was in those years above all the course of Greek Mythology given by A. I. Zaicev (1926–2000) which provided both knowledge and techniques of interdisciplinary analysis and was therefore substantial for scholarly maturity of Jaan Unt as well as many other students. On returning home Unt translated some medieval works for the Estonian Academy of sciences and taught at the University of Tartu increasingly more courses in different philological disciplines connected with the study of the ancient world, even if his personal scholarly interests were dedicated chiefly to Greek and Roman philosophy. He took important part in the making of the translation and commentary of Marcus Aurelius in Russian (19851, 19932) and made pioneering translations of important philosophical works from Greek and Latin into Estonian. The work of Jaan Unt, consequently, connects in some way the present and future classical studies in Tartu with those in St. Petersburg.


Jaan Unt, A. I. Dovatur, A. I. Zaicev, Tartu, Leningrad State University, Marcus Aurelius, philosophy, translations


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1. Марк Аврелий Антонин. Размышления / пер. и прим. А. К. Гаврилова; статьи А. И. Доватура, А. К. Гаврилова, Я. Унта; комм. Я. Унта. (Серия «Литературные памятники»). Л.: Наука, 1985. 2-е изд, испр. и доп.: СПб.: Наука, 1993. 256 c.

2. Чирсков Ф. Маленький городок на окраине Вселенной: Роман. Рассказ. Стихи / сост. А. Арьев. М.: Звезда, 2007. 264 c.

3. Фрейденберг О. М. Въезд в Иерусалим на осле (Из евангельской мифологии) // Миф и литература древности / сост., подг. текста, коммент. и послесл. Н. В. Брагинской. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 1978. С. 491–531.

4. Gavrilov A. ‘Laudatio Isidor Levin’, in: Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Jahrbuch. 2004. S. 51–55. = ‘Исидор Левин и народоведение’ // А. К. Гаврилов. О филологах и филологии / пер. С. А. Гавриловой. СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2010. С. 336–340 (русс.).

5. Marcus Aurelius. Iseendale. Tõlk Jaan Unt. Tallinn, 1983.

6. Päll J. In memoriam Jaan Unt (7.11.1947–12.01.2012) // Keel ja Kirjandus. 2012. № 2. С. 157–159.

7. Schmid G. Das Professoren-Institut in Dorpat. 1827–1838 // Russische Revue. 1881. Heft 8. S. 136–166.

8. Tamm E., Tankler H. Klassische Philologen an der Universität Tartu (Dorpat, Jurjew) und ihre Kontakte zu St. Petersburg’ // Hyperboreus. 2004. 1–2, F. 1–2. S. 22–59.


1. Mark Avrelii Antonin. Razmyshleniia [Meditations], per. i prim. A.K. Gavrilova; stat’i A.I. Dovatura, A.K. Gavrilova, Jaana Unta; komm. Jaana Unta. (Seriia “Literaturnye pamiatniki”) [transl. and notes by A.K. Gavrilov; articles by A.I. Dovatur, A.K. Gavrilov; Jaan Unt. Literary Masterpieces Series]. Leningrad: Nauka Publ., 1985; 2-e izd, ispr. i dop.: Saint Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 1993. 256 s.

2. Chirskov F. Malen’kii gorodok na okraine Vselennoi: Roman. Rasskaz. Stikhi [A Small Town on the Outskirts of the Universe: Novel. Story. Poems], sost. A. Ar’ev [compiled by A. Ariev]. Moscow, Zvezda Publ., 2007. 264 s.

3. Freidenberg O.M. V”ezd v Ierusalim na osle (Iz evangel’skoi mifologii) [The Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem on the donkey: From evangelical mythology]. Mif i literatura drevnosti [Myths and Ancient Literature], sost., podg. teksta, komment. i poslesl. N.V. Braginskoi [compiled and prepared, notes and afterword by N.V. Braginskaya]. Moscow, RAN, Vostochnaia literatura Publ., 1998. С. 491–531.

4. Gavrilov A. ‘Laudatio Isidor Levin’, in: Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Jahrbuch. 2004. S. 51–55. = ‘Isidor Levin i narodovedenie’. A.K. Gavrilov. O filologakh i filologii [About Philologists and Philology], per. S.A. Gavrilovoi [transl. by S.A. Gavrilova]. SPb., SPbGU Publ., 2010. S. 336–340 (russ.).

5. Marcus Aurelius. Iseendale. Tõlk Jaan Unt. Tallinn, 1983. 280 p.

6. Päll J. In memoriam Jaan Unt (7.11.1947–12.01.2012). Keel ja Kirjandus. 2012. № 2. S. 157–159.

7. Schmid G. Das Professoren-Institut in Dorpat. 1827–1838. Russische Revue. 1881. Heft 8. S. 136–166.

8. Tamm E., Tankler H. Klassische Philologen an der Universität Tartu (Dorpat, Jurjew) und ihre Kontakte zu St. Petersburg’. Hyperboreus. 2004. 1–2, F. 1–2. S. 22–59.



How to Cite

Gavrilov, A. K. . (2014). Jaan Unt (1947-2012) in Leningrad. Philologia Classica, 9, 403–422. Retrieved from https://philclass.spbu.ru/article/view/7727



V. Personalia