About the origin of an image of cruel God in Tert. Scorp. 7, 1–7


  • Aleksandr Ju. Bratukhin Perm State National Research University


In this paper the comparison by Tertullian of martyrdom in the Christianity with human sacrifice in pagan cults is considered and a fact is proved, that the Tertullian’s perception of cruel God has been formed without influence of African traditions of the Saturn’s cult, reference to which may be a rhetorical example. The structure of the passage Tert. Scorp. 7, 1–7, apologist’s views on the Saturn’s cult and martyrdom and the interpretation by Hippolytus of Biblical verse (Prov. 9:20), to which Tertullian refers, are considered as arguments of Tertullian’s independence from heathenism.


Tertullian, martyrdom as sacrifice, Bible, Saturn, rhetorical example, paradox


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2. Stoliarov A.A. Patrologiia i patristika [Patrology and Patristics]. M., Kanon Publ., 2001. 160 s.

3. Barnes T.D. Tertullian: a historical and literary study. 2nd ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1985. 339 р.

4. Carlson M.L. Pagan examples of fortitude in the Latin Christian apologists. Classical Philology. 1948. Vol. 43. № 2. Pp. 93–104.

5. Leglay M. Saturne Africain. Histoire. Thèse... Paris, Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. 1966. 366 p.

6. Novum Testamentum. Graece et Latine. Edd. K. Aland et oth. Stuttgart, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , 1984. XVII, 810 p.

7. Rankin D. Tertullian and the Church. Cambridge; New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995. XVII, 229 p.

8. Stockmeier P. Gottesverständnis und Saturnkult bei Tertullian. Studia patristica. 1979. Vol. 17. S. 829–835.



How to Cite

Bratukhin, A. (2014). About the origin of an image of cruel God in Tert. Scorp. 7, 1–7. Philologia Classica, 9, 183–193. Retrieved from https://philclass.spbu.ru/article/view/7681



II. Latin Language and Literature