‘From Athens to Stagira, from Stagira to Athens': On one sentence from Aristotle's lost letter (Demetrius, De elocut. 29; 154 = Arist. fr. 669 Rose)


  • Aleksandr Verlinsky St. Petersburg State University


The mysterious sentence from Aristotle’s lost epistle, cited twice by Demetrius, the author of On Style, and praised by him for its beauty, ἐγὼ ἐκ μὲν Ἀθηνῶν εἰς Στάγειρα ἦλθον διὰ τὸν βασιλέα τὸν μέγαν, ἐκ δὲ Σταγείρων εἰς Ἀθήνας διὰ τὸν χειμῶνα τὸν μέγαν, ‘I came from Athens to Stagira because of the Great King, and from Stagira to Athens because of the great storm’ (or ‘because of the great cold’) — (Demetrius, De elocut. 29; 154 = Arist. fr. 669 Rose) has not received until now a plausible explanation. This is mainly because the travels mentioned do not square well with Aristotle’s itinerary as attested by Apollodorus, and because the role of the Great (viz. the Persian) king in Aristotle’s life is a puzzle. In the paper it is proposed that Aristotle hints at the 341 BC arrest and (the somewhat later) execution by the Persians of his patron and friend, Hermias of Atarneus, an alleged ally of Philip II of Macedon. These events arguably made Aristotle persona non grata in Athens and caused his move from Mieza, where his duties as a tutor of Alexander ended presumably soon aft er 340 BC, to his native town, instead of returning to Athens. The second part of the sentence hints not at the cold climate of Stagira, as it is usually believed, but rather, in accordance with the normal meaning of the μέγας χειμών, at the ‘great storm’, to be taken metaphorically. The most plausible candidate for this storm is the revolt of Greeks against Alexander and their defeat, after which the obstacles for Aristotle's return disappeared and he came to Athens in 335/334 BC. Aristotle thus omits the intermediate stations and depicts his travels as the way from Athens to Stagira and from Stagira back to Athens.


Aristotle (biography, fragments), Hermias of Atarneus, Apollodorus’ Chronicle, Demetrius’ On Style (De elocutione), ancient Greek epistolography


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1. Бикерман Э. Хронология древнего мира / пер. И. М. Стеблин-Каменского. М.: Наука, 1975. 336 с.

2. Хабихт Х. Афины: История города в эллинистическую эпоху / пер. Ю. Г. Виноградова. М.: Ладомир, 1999. 416 с.

3. Шахермайр Ф. Александр Македонский / пер. с нем. М. Н. Ботвинника и Б. Функа. М.: Наука, 1984 [нем. ориг. 1973]. 384 с.

4. Aristoteles. Die historischen Fragmente / Übers., erläutert von M. Hose. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006. 307 p.

5. Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta / ed. Val. Rose. Lipsiae: Teubneri, 1886. 462 p. (= Rose)

6. Aristotelis epistularum fragmenta cum testamento / ed. M. Plezia. (Auctorum Graecorum et Latinorum opuscula selecta, fasc. 3.) Varsoviae: Pań stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1961. 163 p.

7. Aristotle. Politics, transl. with notes by C. Lord. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. XLVII, 265 p. (= Lord)

8. Aristoteles. Privatorum scriptorum fragmenta / ed. M. Plezia. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1977. XXV, 87 S. (= Plezia)

9. Badian E. Greeks and Macedonians // Macedonia and Greece in Late Classical and Hellenistic Times / ed. by B. Barr-Sharrar B. and E. N. Borza. Washington DC: National Gallery of Art, 1982. 268 p.

10. Beloch K. J. Griechische Geschichte. Bd. II. Strassburg, 1897. XIII, 713 S.

11. Berve H. Das Alexanderreich auf prosopographischer Grundlage. Bd. 2. München: Beck, 1926. 446 S.

12. Blakesley J. W. Th e Life of Aristotle. Cambridge: J. and J. J. Deighton, 1839. 181 p.

13. Bollansée J. Aristotle and the Death of Hermias of Atarneus: Two Extracts from Hermippos’ Monograph on Aristotle // Simblos. 2001. Vol. 3. Pp. 67–97.

14. Briant P. From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire / transl. from French. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002. XX, 1196 p.

15. Bosworth A. B. Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. XIII, 330 p.

16. Buckler J. Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2003. XI, 544 p.

17. Cawkwell G. L. Demosthenes’ Policy aft er the Peace of Philocrates. I // Classical Quarterly. New Series. 1963. Vol. 13. Pp. 120–138.

18. Cawkwell G. L. The Defence of Olynthus // Classical Quarterly. New Series. 1962. Vol. 12. Pp. 122–140.

19. Cawkwell G. L. The Greek Wars: Th e Failure of Persia. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. VIII, 316 p.

20. Chantraine P. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. T. IV–2. Paris: Klincksieck, 1980. 200 p.

21. Christesen P. Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. XVII, 580 p.

22. Companion to Aristotle, ed. by G. Anagnostopoulos. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. XVIII, 648 p.

23. Demosthenes. Rede für Ktesiphon über den Kranz / Erl.utert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von H. Wankel. Heidelberg: Winter, 1976. 1376 p. (= Wankel)

24. Didymos: On Demosthenes / transl. with Introduction, Text, and Commentary by Ph. Harding. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006. X, 286 p. (= Harding)

25. Diodori. Bibliotheca Historica. Vol. IV / recogn. C. T. H. Fischer. Lipsiae: Teubneri, 1906. 493 p.

26. Demetrios. Du Style / Texte etabli et trad. par P. Chiron. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1993. CXXXVII, 178 p.

27. Depuydt L. Saite and Persian Egypt, 664 BC — 332 BC // Ancient Egyptian Chronology / ed. by E. Hornung et al. Leiden, 2006. Pp. 458–472.

28. Dorandi T. Gli arconti nei papiri Ercolanesi // Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 1990. Bd. 84. Pp. 121–138.

29. Dorandi T. Note sulla tradizione e sul testo del poema di Aristotele in onore di Ermia di Atarneo // Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2007. Bd. 161. Pp. 21–26.

30. Dührsen N. Chr. Wer war der Verfasser des rhetorischen Lehrbuchs ”Über den Stil“ (Περὶ ἑρμηνείας)? // Rheinisches Museum. Neue Folge. 2005. Bd. 148. Pp. 242–271.

31. Düring I. Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition. Göteborg: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1957. 490 p. (= Düring)

32. Düring I. Aristoteles. Heidelberg: Winter, 1966. XV, 670 p.

33. Düring I. Aristoteles // RE. Suppl.-Bd. XI. 1968. S. 159–336.

34. Ellis J. R. Macedonian Hegemony Created // Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. VI. Cambridge, 1994. Pp. 760–790.

35. Flensted-Jensen P. Th race from Axios to Strymon // An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis / ed. by M. H. Hansen, T. H. Nielsen. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. XV, 1396 p.

36. Ford A. Aristotle as Poet. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. XX, 243 p.

37. Frisk H. Griechisches Etymologisches W.rterbuch. Heidelberg: Winter, 1960. XXX, VIII, 938 S.

38. Gercke A. Aristoteles // RE. 1905. Hbd. 3. Sp. 1014–1015.

39. Gigon O. Interpretationen zu den antiken Aristoteles-Viten // Museum Helveticum. 1958. Bd. 15. S. 147–163.

40. Gottschalk H. B. Notes on the Wills of the Peripatetic Scholarchs // Hermes. 1972. Vol. 100. Pp. 314–342.

41. Hajdu I. Kommentar zur 4. Philippischen Rede des Demosthenes. Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter, 2002. VI, 475 p.

42. Hamilton J. Alexander the Great. London: Hutchinson, 1973. 196 p.

43. Hansen M. H., Spencer N., Williams H. Lesbos // An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis / ed. by M. H. Hansen, T. H. Nielsen. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. 1018–1033.

44. Hatzopoulos M. B. Macedonian Institutions under the Kings. Vol. 1. Paris: De Boccard, 1996. 554 p.

45. Jacoby F. Apollodors Chronik. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1902. 416 p. (Philologische Untersuchungen. Ht. 16).

46. Jaeger W. Aristotle / transl. by R. Robinson, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1948. 475 p.

47. Kahrstedt U. Forschungen zur Geschichte des ausgehenden fünften und des vierten Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Weidmann, 1910. 282 S.

48. Käppel L. Paian: Studien zur Geschichte einer Gattung. Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter, 1992. XXVI, 428 S.

49. Körte A. Zu Didymos’ Demosthenes-Commentar // Rheinisches Museum. 1905. Bd. 60. S. 388–416.

50. Laqueur R. Theokritos aus Chios // RE. 1934. Bd. 5A. Sp. 2026–2027.

51. Lane Fox R. Alexander the Great. London: Allen Lane, 1973. 568 p.

52. Lewis D. M. An Aristotle Publication-Date // Classical Review. New Series. 1958. Vol. 8. P. 108.

53. Lloyd A. Egypt 404–332 BC // Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. VI. Cambridge, 1994. Pp. 337–360.

54. MacDowell D. M. Demosthenes the Orator. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. X, 457 p.

55. MacDowell D. M. The Law in Classical Athens. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978. 280 p.

56. Mansion A. [Rev.] Düring I. Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition // Revue Philosophique de Louvain. 1958. Vol. 56. Pp. 624–629.

57. Merlan Ph. Zur Biographie des Speusippos // Philologus. 1959. Bd. 103. S. 198–214.

58. Merlan Ph. The Successor of Speusippus // Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 1946. Vol. 77. Pp. 103–111.

59. Milns R. D. Hermias of Atarneus and the Fourth Philippic Speech // Filologia e forme letterarie: studi off erti a Francesco Della Corte, ed. C. Questa. Vol. I. Urbino: Universit. degli studi di Urbino, 1987. S. 287–302.

60. Mitchell S. Troas // An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis / ed. by M. H. Hansen, T. H. Nielsen. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. 1000–1018.

61. Moraux P. Les listes anciennes des ouvrages d’Aristote. Louvain: Éditions universitaires de Louvain, 1951. X, 391 p.

62. Pueche B. Aristote de Stagire. Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques. T. I. Paris, 1994. 1021 p.

63. Mulvany C. M. Notes on the Legend of Aristotle // Classical Quarterly. 1926. Vol. 20. Pp. 155–167.

64. Natali C. Bios theoretikos: la vita di Aristotele e l‘organizzazione della sua scuola. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991. 213 p.

65. Newman W. L. The Politics of Aristotle, With an Introduction, Two Prefatory Essays and Notes Critical and Explanatory. Vol. I. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1887. LXVII, 419 p.

66. O’Sullivan L. The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317–307 BCE: a Philosopher in Politics. Leiden: Brill, 2009. 344 p.

67. Powell J. E. Lexicon to Herodotus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938. X, 391 p.

68. Pagani L. Artemon. Lessico dei grammatici greci antichi (2010). Available at: http://www.aristarchus.unige.it/lgga/schede.php.

69. Planeaux С. Socrates, Alcibiades, and Plato’s TA ΠOTEIΔEATIKA: Does the Charmides Have an Historical Setting? // Mnemosyne. 1999. Vol. 52. Pp. 72–77.

70. Plato. Symposium / ed. by K. Dover. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980. X, 185 p. (= Dover)

71. Regenbogen O. Theophrastus // RE Suppl. Bd. 7. 1940. Pp. 1536–1552.

72. Renehan R. Aristotle as Lyric Poet: The Hermias Poem // Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies. 1982. Vol. 23. Pp. 251–274.

73. Renehan R. The Private Aristotle: Two Clues // Hermes. 1995. Vol. 123. Pp. 281–292.

74. Rose V. Aristoteles pseudepigraphus. Lipsiae: Teubneri, 1863. 728 p.

75. Ross W. D. Aristotle. 5th ed. rev. London: Methuen & Co, 1949 (1923). VII, 300 p.

76. Runia D. Theocritus of Chios’ Epigram against Aristotle // Classical Quarterly, New Series. 1986. Vol. 36. Pp. 531–534.

77. Rusten J. Dionysius Scytobrachion. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1982. 185 p.

78. Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem: Scholia vetera / rec. H. Erbse. Vol. I. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1969. 474 p.

79. Sordi M. La cronologia delle vittorie persiane e la caduta di Ermia di Atarneo in Diodoro Siculo // Kokalos. 1959. Vol. 5. Pp. 107–118.

80. Stahr A. Aristotelia. Vol. I. Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1830. XVIII, 210 p.

81. Susemihl F. Geschichte der Alexandrinischen Literatur. Bd. I. Leipzig: Teubner, 1892. XVI, 907 S.

82. Unger G. F. Die Abfassungszeit des sogenannten Skylax // Philologus. 1874. Bd. 33. Pp. 29–45.

83. Verlinsky A. The flood in Aristotle’s Meteorologica (I. 14) // Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption / Hrsg. von J. Althoff et al. Bd. 16. Trier, 2006. S. 51–68.

84. Vita Aristotelis Marciana / Hrsg. und komment. von O. Gigon. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1962. 79 p. (= Gigon)

85. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff U. von. Aristoteles und Athen. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1892. VI, 381 S.

86. Wentzel C. Artemon // RE. 1896. Bd. II. Col. 1446–1447.

87. Weil R. Aristote et l’histoire. Paris: Klincksieck, 1960. 466 p.

88. West A. B. The History of the Chalcidic League. Madison, 1918. 176 p.

89. Worthington I. How ‘Great’ was Alexander? (1999) // Alexander the Great. A Reader / ed. I. Worthington. London: Routledge, 2003. 368 p.

90. Zahrnt M. Olynth und die Chalkidier. München, Beck, 1971 (Vestigia H. 14). X, 280 p.

91. Zeller Ed. Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung. T l. II. Abt. II. Aristoteles und die alten Peripatetiker. 3. Aufl. Leipzig, 1879. X, 948 S.


1. Bikerman E. Khronologiia drevnego mira, per. I.M. Steblin-Kamenskogo [The Chronology of the Ancient World, transl. by I.M. Steblin-Kamensky]. Мoscow, Nauka Publ., 1975. 336 s.

2. Khabikht Kh. Afiny: Istoriia goroda v ellinisticheskuiu epokhu, per. Iu.G. Vinogradova [Athens: History of the City in the Hellenistic Period, transl. by Yu.G. Vinogradov]. Мoscow, Ladomir Publ., 1999. 416 s.

3. Shakhermair F. Aleksandr Makedonskii, per. s nem. M.N. Botvinnika i B. Funka [Alexander of Macedon, transl. from German by M.N. Botvinnik and B. Funk]. Мoscow, Nauka Publ., 1984 [nem. orig. 1973]. 384 s.

4. Aristoteles. Die historischen Fragmente. Übers., erläutert von M. Hose. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006. 307 p.

5. Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta, ed. Val. Rose. Lipsiae, Teubneri, 1886. 462 p. (= Rose)

6. Aristotelis epistularum fragmenta cum testamento, ed. M. Plezia. (Auctorum Graecorum et Latinorum opuscula selecta, fasc. 3.) Varsoviae, Pań stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1961. 163 p.

7. Aristotle. Politics, transl. with notes by C. Lord. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1984. XLVII, 265 p. (= Lord)

8. Aristoteles. Privatorum scriptorum fragmenta, ed. M. Plezia. Lipsiae, Teubner, 1977. XXV, 87 S. (= Plezia)

9. Badian E. Greeks and Macedonians. Macedonia and Greece in Late Classical and Hellenistic Times, ed. by B. Barr-Sharrar B. and E.N. Borza. Washington DC, National Gallery of Art, 1982. 268 p.

10. Beloch K.J. Griechische Geschichte. Bd. II. Strassburg, 1897. XIII, 713 S.

11. Berve H. Das Alexanderreich auf prosopographischer Grundlage. Bd. 2. München, Beck, 1926. 446 S.

12. Blakesley J.W. The Life of Aristotle. Cambridge, J. and J.J. Deighton, 1839. 181 p.

13. Bollansée J. Aristotle and the Death of Hermias of Atarneus: Two Extracts from Hermippos’ Monograph on Aristotle. Simblos. 2001. Vol. 3. Pp. 67–97.

14. Briant P. From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire, transl. from French. Winona Lake, IN, Eisenbrauns, 2002. XX, 1196 p.

15. Bosworth A.B. Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge; New York, Cambridge University Press, 1988. XIII, 330 p.

16. Buckler J. Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC. Leiden; Boston, Brill, 2003. XI, 544 p.

17. Cawkwell G.L. Demosthenes’ Policy after the Peace of Philocrates. I. Classical Quarterly. New Series. 1963. Vol. 13. Pp. 120–138.

18. Cawkwell G.L. The Defence of Olynthus. Classical Quarterly. New Series. 1962. Vol. 12. Pp. 122–140.

19. Cawkwell G. L. The Greek Wars: The Failure of Persia. New York; Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005. VIII, 316 p.

20. Chantraine P. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. T. IV–2. Paris, Klincksieck, 1980. 200 p.

21. Christesen P. Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History. Cambridge; New York, Cambridge University Press, 2007. XVII, 580 p.

22. Companion to Aristotle, ed. by G. Anagnostopoulos. Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. XVIII, 648 p.

23. Demosthenes. Rede für Ktesiphon über den Kranz. Erläutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von H. Wankel. Heidelberg, Winter, 1976. 1376 p. (= Wankel)

24. Didymos: On Demosthenes, transl. with Introduction, Text, and Commentary by Ph. Harding. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2006. X, 286 p. (= Harding)

25. Diodori. Bibliotheca Historica. Vol. IV, recogn. C.T.H. Fischer. Lipsiae, Teubneri 1906. 493 p.

26. Demetrios. Du Style. Texte etabli et trad. par P. Chiron. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1993. CXXXVII, 178 p.

27. Depuydt L. Saite and Persian Egypt, 664 BC – 332 BC. Ancient Egyptian Chronology, ed. by E. Hornung et al. Leiden, 2006. Pp. 458–472.

28. Dorandi T. Gli arconti nei papiri Ercolanesi. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 1990. Bd. 84. Pp. 121–138.

29. Dorandi T. Note sulla tradizione e sul testo del poema di Aristotele in onore di Ermia di Atarneo. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2007. Bd. 161. Pp. 21–26.

30. Dührsen N. Chr. Wer war der Verfasser des rhetorischen Lehrbuchs ”Über den Stil“ (Περὶ ἑρμηνείας)? Rheinisches Museum. Neue Folge. 2005. Bd. 148. Pp. 242–271.

31. Düring I. Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition. Göteborg, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1957. 490 p. (= Düring)

32. Düring I. Aristoteles. Heidelberg, Winter, 1966. XV, 670 p.

33. Düring I. Aristoteles. RE. Suppl.-Bd. XI. 1968. S. 159–336.

34. Ellis J.R. Macedonian Hegemony Created. Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. VI. Cambridge, 1994. Pp. 760–790.

35. Flensted-Jensen P. Thrace from Axios to Strymon. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, ed. by M.H. Hansen, T.H. Nielsen. New York; Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004. XV, 1396 p.

36. Ford A. Aristotle as Poet. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press, 2011. XX, 243 p.

37. Frisk H. Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg, Winter, 1960. XXX, VIII, 938 S.

38. Gercke A. Aristoteles. RE. 1905. Hbd. 3. Sp. 1014–1015

39. Gigon O. Interpretationen zu den antiken Aristoteles-Viten. Museum Helveticum. 1958. Bd. 15. S. 147–163.

40. Gottschalk H.B. Notes on the Wills of the Peripatetic Scholarchs. Hermes. 1972. Vol. 100. Pp. 314–342.

41. Hajdu I. Kommentar zur 4. Philippischen Rede des Demosthenes. Berlin; New York, W. de Gruyter, 2002. VI, 475 p.

42. Hamilton J. Alexander the Great. London, Hutchinson, 1973. 196 p.

43. Hansen M.H., Spencer N., Williams H. Lesbos. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, ed. by M.H. Hansen, T.H. Nielsen. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. 1018–1033.

44. Hatzopoulos M. B. Macedonian Institutions under the Kings. Vol. 1. Paris, De Boccard, 1996. 554 p.

45. Jacoby F. Apollodors Chronik. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1902. 416 p. (Philologische Untersuchungen. Ht. 16).

46. Jaeger W. Aristotle, transl. by R. Robinson, 2nd ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1948. 475 p.

47. Kahrstedt U. Forschungen zur Geschichte des ausgehenden fünft en und des vierten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Weidmann, 1910. 282 S.

48. Käppel L. Paian: Studien zur Geschichte einer Gattung. Berlin; New York, W. de Gruyter, 1992. XXVI, 428 S.

49. Körte A. Zu Didymos’ Demosthenes-Commentar. Rheinisches Museum. 1905. Bd. 60. S. 388–416.

50. Laqueur R. Theokritos aus Chios. RE. 1934. Bd. 5A. Sp. 2026 f.

51. Lane Fox R. Alexander the Great. London, Allen Lane, 1973. 568 p.

52. Lewis D.M. An Aristotle Publication-Date. Classical Review. New Series. 1958. Vol. 8. P. 108.

53. Lloyd A. Egypt 404–332 BC. Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. VI. Cambridge, 1994. Pp. 337–360.

54. MacDowell D.M. Demosthenes the Orator. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press, 2009. X, 457 p.

55. MacDowell D.M. The Law in Classical Athens. London, Thames and Hudson, 1978. 280 p.

56. Mansion A. [Rev.] Düring I. Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition. Revue Philosophique de Louvain. 1958. Vol. 56. Pp. 624–629.

57. Merlan Ph. Zur Biographie des Speusippos. Philologus. 1959. Bd. 103. S. 198–214.

58. Merlan Ph. The Successor of Speusippus. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 1946. Vol. 77. Pp. 103–111.

59. Milns R. D. Hermias of Atarneus and the Fourth Philippic Speech. Filologia e forme letterarie: studi offerti a Francesco Della Corte, ed. C. Questa. Vol. I. Urbino, Universit. degli studi di Urbino, 1987. Pp. 287–302.

60. Mitchell S. Troas. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, ed. By M.H. Hansen, T.H. Nielsen. Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. 1000–1018.

61. Moraux P. Les listes anciennes des ouvrages d’Aristote. Louvain, Éditions universitaires de Louvain, 1951. X, 391 p.

62. Pueche B. Aristote de Stagire. Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques. T. I. Paris, 1994. 1021 p.

63. Mulvany C.M. Notes on the Legend of Aristotle. Classical Quarterly. 1926. Vol. 20. Pp. 155–167.

64. Natali C. Bios theoretikos: la vita di Aristotele e l‘organizzazione della sua scuola. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1991. 213 p.

65. Newman W.L. The Politics of Aristotle, With an Introduction, Two Prefatory Essays and Notes Critical and Explanatory, vol. I. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. LXVII, 419 p.

66. O’Sullivan L. The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317–307 BCE: a Philosopher in Politics. Leiden, Brill, 2009. 344 p.

67. Powell J.E. Lexicon to Herodotus. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1938. X, 391 p.

68. Pagani L. Artemon. Lessico dei grammatici greci antichi (2010). Available at: http://www.aristarchus.unige.it/lgga/schede.php.

69. Planeaux С. Socrates, Alcibiades, and Plato’s TA ΠOTEIΔEATIKA: Does the Charmides Have an Historical Setting? Mnemosyne. 1999. Vol. 52. Pp. 72–77.

70. Plato. Symposium, ed. by K. Dover. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1980. X, 185 p. (= Dover)

71. Regenbogen O. Th eophrastus. RE Suppl. Bd. 7. 1940. Pp. 1536–1552.

72. Renehan R. Aristotle as Lyric Poet: The Hermias Poem. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies. 1982. Vol. 23. Pp. 251–274.

73. Renehan R. The Private Aristotle: Two Clues. Hermes. 1995. Vol. 123. Pp. 281–292.

74. Rose V. Aristoteles pseudepigraphus. Lipsiae, Teubneri, 1863. 728 p.

75. Ross W.D. Aristotle. 5th ed. rev. London, Methuen & Co, 1949 (1923). VII, 300 p.

76. Runia D. Theocritus of Chios‘ Epigram against Aristotle. Classical Quarterly, New Series. 1986. Vol. 36. Pp. 531–534.

77. Rusten J. Dionysius Scytobrachion. Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1982. 185 p.

78. Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem: Scholia vetera, rec. H. Erbse. Vol. I. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 1969. 474 p.

79. Sordi M. La cronologia delle vittorie persiane e la caduta di Ermia di Atarneo in Diodoro Siculo. Kokalos. 1959. Vol. 5. Pp. 107–118.

80. Stahr A. Aristotelia. Vol. I. Halle, Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1830. XVIII, 210 p.

81. Susemihl F. Geschichte der Alexandrinischen Literatur. Bd. I. Leipzig, Teubner, 1892. XVI, 907 S.

82. Unger G. F. Die Abfassungszeit des sogenannten Skylax. Philologus. 1874. Bd. 33. Pp. 29–45.

83. Verlinsky A. The flood in Aristotle’s Meteorologica (I. 14). Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Hrsg. von J. Althoff et al. Bd. 16. Trier, 2006. S. 51–68.

84. Vita Aristotelis Marciana. Hrsg. und komment. von O. Gigon. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 1962. 79 p. (= Gigon)

85. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff U. von. Aristoteles und Athen. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1892. VI, 381 S.

86. Wentzel C. Artemon. RE. 1896. Bd. II. Col. 1446–1447.

87. Weil R. Aristote et l’histoire. Paris, Klincksieck, 1960. 466 p.

88. West A.B. The History of the Chalcidic League. Madison, 1918. 176 p.

89. Worthington I. How ‘Great’ was Alexander? (1999). Alexander the Great. A Reader, ed. I. Worthington. London, Routledge, 2003. 368 p.

90. Zahrnt M. Olynth und die Chalkidier. München, Beck, 1971 (Vestigia H. 14). X, 280 p.

91. Zeller Ed. Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung. T l. II. Abt. II. Aristoteles und die alten Peripatetiker. 3. Aufl. Leipzig, 1879. X, 948 S.



How to Cite

Verlinsky, A. (2014). ‘From Athens to Stagira, from Stagira to Athens’: On one sentence from Aristotle’s lost letter (Demetrius, De elocut. 29; 154 = Arist. fr. 669 Rose). Philologia Classica, 9, 42–88. Retrieved from https://philclass.spbu.ru/article/view/7658



I. Ancient Greek Language and Literature