Clement of Alexandria as a Creator of the Christian Philosophical Prose


  • A. JU. BRATUKHIN Perm State University


Clement of Alexandria was the first Christian author, who has created the works, which could be taken by readers-heathens as real philosophical treatises. The style, the contents and some formal signs testifies that he set himself as an object such task. These signs are his alias, titles of his fundamental works, which coincide with the titles of the writings of the ancient authors (Προτρεπτικός, Στρωματεῖς), preambles, which refer to Plato and Pindar. Both the circular composition of the Protrepticos and the Paedagogos and the free one of the Stromateis confirm his ambition to become a creator of the Christian high prose. Clement emendates the biblical quotations in accordance with classical patterns.


Clement of Alexandria, allusion, reminiscence, the ancient literature, the early Church Fathers, style


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How to Cite

BRATUKHIN, A. (2015). Clement of Alexandria as a Creator of the Christian Philosophical Prose. Philologia Classica, 10, 96–108. Retrieved from



I. Ancient Greek Language and Literature