Zur Etymologie von lat. laxus ‘locker, weit’


  • Stefan Höfler Harvard University, Department of Linguistics Boylston Hall, 3rd floor Cambridge, MA 02138 United States of America




The aim of this contribution is to demonstrate that the commonly accepted etymological link between Lat. laxus ‘wide, spacious, loose’ and Lat. languēre ‘be faint, weak’ is not only formally difficult, but also semantically unjustified. Discussing the earliest attestations and derivatives of laxus against the backdrop of general morphosemantic considerations, I propose deriving this adjective and the enigmatic Lat. locus m. ‘place’ from the root *√slek, whose possible semantics and continuants in other IE languages are dealt with in the remainder of the paper.


Latin Etymology, laxus, langueō, locus, Possessive Adjectives, Schwa secundum


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How to Cite

Höfler, S. (2017). Zur Etymologie von lat. laxus ‘locker, weit’. Philologia Classica, 12(2), 154–159. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu20.2017.205



Orbis Romanus