From Jan Luňák to Ivan Ivanovich Lun’jak and Back: An Austro-Hungarian Classicist and His Iter Slavicum


  • David Movrin Department of Classics, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2, Aškerčeva, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenia



The present paper is the first attempt at a bio-bibliography of Jan Luňák (1847–1935), the peripatetic classicist who roamed the Austro-Hungarian, German, and Russian empires before founding the classical seminar at the University of Ljubljana, in 1919, in what was then the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians. Luňák studied in Prague and Leipzig and then moved to St Petersburg to earn his master’s in classical philology from Dorpat (now Tartu) and his doctorate in Greek literature from Kazan. In 1890 he became extraordinarius in Moscow, and in 1892 ordinarius in Odessa, from where he retired in 1907. Known primarily for his Quaestiones Sapphicae, he was forced to launch a second career in 1919, after World War I and then the October Revolution permanently separated him from his family and deprived him of his pension. He served as contractual professor of classical philology in Ljubljana until 1930 when he finally returned to Prague. Based on both published and archival material, the paper provides a historical context for his academic career (which had its roots in the Russian Philological Seminary in Leipzig, where Luňák was recommended by Friedrich Ritschl). It thus attempts to understand the somewhat disparate aspects of his complex scholarly itinerary. Apart from providing his comprehensive bibliography, the study hopes to serve as a stimulus for other primary sources to surface in the future.


Jan Luňák, history of classical philology, Russian Philological Seminary in Leipzig, Friedrich Ritschl, res publica litteraria, Sappho


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a) Works authored by Luňák (in chronological order)

Kterak Ovidius v Proměnách jednotlivé báje spojoval [How Ovid Connected Individual Myths in in His Metamorphoses]. Výroční zpráva c. k. gymnasia v Jindřichově Hradci za školní rok 1874, 3–23.

Observationes rhetoricae in Demosthenem. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 196 (1878), 91–109, 133–150; also independently (Petropoli 1878), master’s thesis.

Vergiliana. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 200 (1878), 151–156.

De Homericis similitudinibus apud Vergilium. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 215 (1881), 206–207.

Ritoricheskie jetjudy [Rhetorical Studies]. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 217 (1881), 288–345, ch. 218, 219–268.

Lager’ Kvintilija Vara v’ Tevtoburgskom’ lesu [The Camp of Quintilius Varus in Teutoburg Forest]. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 220 (1882), 193–196.

Miscellanea critica. 1) Ad Herodoti l. II c. 79. 2) Ad Demosthenis or. XVIII par. 2. 3) Ad Philochori Atthidis l. III fragmentum. 4) Ad Arriani Anabas. l. I. c. 1 par. 6. 5) Ad Castorionis fragmentum (apud Athen. p. 542 E). 6) Ad Platonis Phaedri p. 267 C. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 230 (1883), 161–174.

Über den Status der ersten Rede des Isaeus Über die Erbschaft des Kleonymos. Philologus 42 (1884), 275–284.

Reforma prepodavan’ja drevnih’ jazykov’ v’ Avstriiskih’ gimnazijah’ [Reforming the of teaching of classical languages in the Austrian gymnasia]. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 238 (1885), 1–22.

Zu Athenaeus. Philologus 44 (1885), 177–178.

Quaestiones Sapphicae (Kazaniae, doctoral dissertation, 1888). Mentioned or reviewed in American Journal of Philology 9 (1888), 531; 10 (1889), 128; Revue des Études Grecques 2 (1889), 459; Classical Review 3 (1889), 194; Academy, Feb. 23 (1889), 133; Bibliotheca Philologica Classica 7 (1890), 54, 121, 189; Revue de l’instruction publique 1890, 72; Polybiblion: Revue bibliographique universelle 60 (1890), 55; Bursian’s Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft 1891, 185, 315; also included in later volumes, such as Scriptores Graeci Supplementband etc.; The Best Books: A Reader’s Guide to the Choice of the Best Available Books 1891, 880; Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 17 (1889), 408–409; Filologicheskoe Obozrenie 2 (1891), 25–28 (Tadeusz Zieliński); Revue critique d’histoire et de littérature 35–36 (1889), 136–138, (Salomon Reinach); Academy 37 (July 19, 1890), 53 (H. T. Wharton); American Journal of Philology 12 (1891), 229–237 (Charles W. Super).

K’ voprosu ob’ otnoshenijah’ Demosfena k’ Isokratu [On the question of relation between Demosthenes and Isocrates]. Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija, ch. 267 (1890), 72–81.

K’ voprosu o reformе prepodavanija drevnih’ jazykov’ v’ gimnazijah’ [On the question of reform in teaching classical languages in gymnasia]. Uchenyje zapiski Kazanskago universiteta, vyp. 1 (1890), 214 ss.

O proishozhdenii imen’ Cheh’, Leh’, Rus’ i Slavjane [About the origin of the names Chekh, Lekh, Rus and the Slavs]. Uchenyje zapiski Kazanskago universiteta, vyp. 2 (1890), 277 ss.

Miscellen: Zu Euripides’ Medea. Zu Aristoteles Rhetorik II, 14. Philologus 51 (1892), 544–547.

O sovremennom’ sostojanii izuchenija drevne-klassicheskih’ pamjatnikov’ [On the current state of research regarding ancient classical monuments]. Zapiski Novorossiyskago universiteta, t. 58 (1893), 1–14.

Miscellen: Zur Medeasage. Zu Dictys IV, 2. Zu den Horazscholien. Zu Cicero’s Cato Maior 15, 51. Philologus 52 (1893), 205 ss.; 324; 327.

Gostynskoe chudo (K voprosu ob istochnikah jepopei kraledvorskoj rukopisi Jaroslav) [Gostyn miracle (On the question of the sources of the epic of the Kraledvor manuscript Jaroslav)]. Zapiski Novorossiyskago universiteta, t. 76 (1898), 147 ss.

De paricidii vocis origine. Zapiski Novorossiyskago universiteta, t. 81 (1900), 159 ss.

Otzyv o dissertacii O. F. Bazinera, pod zaglaviem: Ludi saeculares, predstavlennoj dlja poluchenija stepeni doktora rimskoj slovesnosti [Review of the dissertation of O. F. Baziner titled Ludi saeculares, presented for the degree of Doctor of Roman Literature]. Istoriko-filologicheskij fakul’tet Novorossijskogo universiteta, Odessa 1902.

Verisimilium decas. Zapiski Novorossiyskago universiteta, t. 109 (1907), 445 ss.

Otchet z. o. prof. I. I. Lun’jaka o nauchnoj komandirovke v Shvejcariju i Tirol’ na kanikuljarnoe vremja 1908 g. (po izucheniju romanskogo govora) [Report by prof. I. I. Lunyak about a research trip to Switzerland and Tyrol during the vacations in 1908 (on the study of the Roman dialect)]. Odessa 1909.

Ideja mira v’ drevnem’ Rim’ v’ jepohu Avgusta: Aktovaja rech’ [The idea of peace in ancient Rome in the era of Augustus: Topical speech]. Odessa 1909.

De Sapphus fragmento 52 commentariolum. Wiener Studien 40 (1918), 97 ss.

Die böhmischen Eigennamen Crha und Strachota. Archiv für slavische Philologie 37 (1920), 538.

Katonovo pravidlo o orbě [Cato’s rule on plowing]. Listy filologické 49 (1922), 21–23.

1. Rušenje humanistične gimnazije v Nemčiji. 2. Sijajna zmaga humanistične gimnazije v Prusiji. 3. K reformi naših srednjih šol. [1. Demolition of the Humanist Gymnasium in Germany. 2. A brilliant victory for the Humanist Gymnasium in Prussia. 3. Towards the reform of our high schools.] Slovenski narod (9. January, 9. August, 24. December 1924).

Zu Horat. sat. I., 10, v. 5 sq.. Philologische Wochenschrift 45 (1925), 1055 ss.

Zagreb i Agram [Zagreb and Agram]. Jugoslovenski filolog 5 (1925), 216 ss.

De Propertii urbis patriae nomine. Atti dell’ Accademia Properziana dei Subasio in Assisi 4.5 (1927).

Češko žegnanje na vasi [Czech blessing festivity in the countryside]. Slovenski narod (18. February 1928).

O slovanském původu jména Rýbecoul [On the Slavic origin of the name Rýbecoul]. Prague, J. Svátek, 1928.

O původu jména Žižka [On the origin of the name Žižka]. Prague 1929.

Die Grabinschrift der Natesia. Glasnik Muzejskega društva za Slovenijo 10 (1929), 17–21.

Latein als Diplomatensprache. Das humanistische Gymnasium 40 (1929), 45.

Kritické drobnosti. 1) Demens sonus u Apuleia Met. V 4. 2) K Dionu Cassiovi XLV 47. [Critical trifles. 1) Demens sonus in Apuleius, Met. V 4. 2) On Dio Cassius XLV 47.]. Listy filologické 57 (1930), 506–508.

Kriticko-exegetické poznámky k Demosthenově řeči O věnci [Critical-exegetical remarks on Demosthen’s speech On the Crown]. Listy filologické 59 (1932), 29–32.

Zu Demosthenes XVIII 130. Philologische Wochenschrift 53 (1933), 812–813.

Die Uebernahme der Benennung Daktylus in die Metrik. Philologische Wochenschrift 53 (1933), 1215–1216.

b) Archival Sources

AMSU, Arhivsko-muzejska služba Univerze v Ljubljani [University of Ljubljana Archives] IV — 33/541, Personal file Ivan Lunjak.

AMSU Arhivsko-muzejska služba Univerze v Ljubljani [University of Ljubljana Archives] IV — Minutes of the sessions of the senate, council and administration of the University of Ljubljana (1919–1943).

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How to Cite

Movrin, D. (2022). From Jan Luňák to Ivan Ivanovich Lun’jak and Back: An Austro-Hungarian Classicist and His Iter Slavicum. Philologia Classica, 17(1), 173–189.



De philologis et philologia