Verg. Aen. I, 498–504: On appropriateness of the simile


  • Anastasiya V. Kotova St. Petersburg State University


The article touches upon appropriateness of the simile “Dido — Diana” (Verg. Aen. I, 498–504) that reflects a passage where Nausicaa is likened to Artemis (Hom. Od. VI, 102–109). Th e author studies history of the question and places high emphasis on Probus’ criticism, compares the passages from “Aeneis” and “Odyssey”, adduces a lot of parallels between Dido and Diana and comes to the conclusion that Vergil made the simile suitable and appropriate for the context.


Vergil, «Aeneis», similes


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1. Cairns F. Virgil’s Augustan Epic. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. XI, 280 p.

2. Carlson G. Die Verwandlung der homerischen Gleichnisse in Vergils Äneis. Inaug.-Diss. Heidelberg, 1972. 193 p.

3. Coffey M. The Subject Matter of Vergil’s Similes // Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. 1961. Vol. 8. Pp. 63–75.

4. Evans E. C. Literary Portraiture in Ancient Epic: A Study of the Descriptions of Physical Appearance in Classical Epic // Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 1948. Vol. 58/59. Pp. 189–217.

5. Ebeling H. Lexicon Homericum. Lipsiae, 1880–1885. Vol. II. (repr. 1987). 1184 S.

6. Georgii H. Die antike Äneiskritik aus den Scholien und anderen Quellen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1891. VIII, 570 p.

7. Hornsby R. A. The Vergilian Simile as Means of Judgment // The Classical Journal. 1965. Vol. 60. Pp. 337–344.

8. Hornsby R. A. Patterns of Action in the Aeneid: An Interpretation of Vergil’s Epic Similes. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 1970. IX, 156 p.

9. Heinze R. Virgils epische Technik. Leipzig: Teubner, 1903. VIII, 487 S.

10. Hügi M. Vergils Aeneis und die hellenistische Dichtung. Bern; Stuttgart: P. Haupt, 1952. VII, 143 p.

11. Knauer G. N. Die Aeneis und Homer. Studien zur poetischen Technik Vergils mit Listen der Homerzitate in der Aeneis. (Hypomnemata. H. 7.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1964. 549 p.

12. Laokoon: Lessing, Herder, Goethe: Selections / ed. with an intr. and a comm. by W. G. Howard. New York: H. Holt and Co., 1910. CLXVIII, 470 p.

13. Luniak J. De Homericis similitudinibus apud Vergilium / Saint Petersburg, Journal ministerstwa narodnago prosweschenia. 1881 (april). Pp. 206–207.

14. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Primus / with a comm. by R. G. Austin. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. XXI, 239 p.

15. Publius Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus. Christ. Gottl. Heyne, cur. Ge. Phil. Eberhard. Wagner. 4 ed. Vol. 2. Aeneidis libri I–VI. Lipsiae sumtibus librariae Hahnianae; Londini: Apvd Black, Yovng et Yovng, 1832. CLX, 698 p.

16. Otis B. Virgil, a Study in Civilized Poetry / foreword by W. W. Briggs Jr. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964. IX, 436 p.

17. P. Virgilio Marone. L’Eneide. Libro I / comm. di A. Salvatore. Precede un saggio di studio sulla lingua e lo stile di Virgilio. Napoli, 1947. LXXXIV, 79 p.

18. P. Vergili Maronis. Aeneidos Libri I–VI / rec. O. Ribbeck. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1860. Pp. 212–530.

19. Pöschl V. Die Dichtkunst Virgils: Bild und Symbol in der Äneis. 2., erweit. Aufl . Darmstadt, 1964. 301 p.

20. Saint-Beuve C.-A. Étude sur Virgile: suivie d’une étude sur Quintus de Smyrne. Paris: Garnier frères, 1857. 472 p.

21. Schmit-Neuerburg T. Vergils Aeneis und die antike Homerexegese: Untersuchungen zum Einfluß ethischer und kritischer Homerrezeption auf imitatio und aemulatio Vergils. Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter, 1999. 381 p.

22. The Aeneid of Virgil, A verse translation by R. Humphries. London; New York: Charles Scribners’ Sons, 1951. XIII, 381 p.

23. The Aeneid of Virgil. Books I–VI / ed. with introd. and notes by T. E. Page. London; New York: Macmillan, 1894 (repr. 1967). XXIV, 511 p.

24. The Aeneid of Virgil. Books 1–6, ed. with introd. and notes by R. D. Williams. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1972. XXXV, 524 p.

25. Vázquez J. G. La imagen de la poesía de Virgilio. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1980. 339 p.

26. Virgil. Aeneid, Book I, 1–510, by A. Carruthers, J. C. Robertson. Toronto: W. J. Gage & Co. 1917. 97 p.

27. Virgil’s Aeneid. Books I–VI / with introd., notes, and vocab. By H. R. Fairclough and S. L. Brown. Chicago: Benj. H. Sanborn, 1919. LXI, 515 p.

28. Vergils Gedichte / Erkl. von Th. Ladewig. Zweites Bändchen: Aeneide Buch I–VI. Neunte Aufl. von C. Schaper. Berlin: Weidmann, 1881. VIII, 211 p.

29. Williams R. D. Virgil and the “Odyssey” // Phoenix. 1963. Vol. 17. Pp. 266–274.


1. Cairns F. Virgil’s Augustan Epic. Cambridge; New York, Cambridge University Press, 1989. XI, 280 p.

2. Carlson G. Die Verwandlung der homerischen Gleichnisse in Vergils Äneis. Inaug.-Diss. Heidelberg, 1972. 193 p.

3. Coffey M. The Subject Matter of Vergil’s Similes. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. 1961. Vol. 8. Pp. 63–75.

4. Evans E.C. Literary Portraiture in Ancient Epic: A Study of the Descriptions of Physical Appearance in Classical Epic. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 1948. Vol. 58/59. Pp. 189–217.

5. Ebeling H. Lexicon Homericum. Lipsiae, 1880–1885. Vol. II. (repr. 1987). 1184 S.

6. Georgii H. Die antike Äneiskritik aus den Scholien und anderen Quellen. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1891. VIII, 570 p.

7. Hornsby R.A. The Vergilian Simile as Means of Judgment. The Classical Journal. 1965. Vol. 60. Pp. 337–344.

8. Hornsby R.A. Patterns of Action in the Aeneid: An Interpretation of Vergil’s Epic Similes. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 1970. IX, 156 p.

9. Heinze R. Virgils epische Technik. Leipzig, Teubner, 1903. VIII, 487 S.

10. Hügi M. Vergils Aeneis und die hellenistische Dichtung. Bern; Stuttgart, P. Haupt, 1952. VII, 143 p.

11. Knauer G.N. Die Aeneis und Homer. Studien zur poetischen Technik Vergils mit Listen der Homerzitate in der Aeneis. (Hypomnemata. H. 7.) Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1964. 549 p.

12. Laokoon: Lessing, Herder, Goethe: Selections, ed. with an intr. and a comm. by W.G. Howard. New York, H. Holt and Co., 1910. CLXVIII, 470 p.

13. Luniak J. De Homericis similitudinibus apud Vergilium. Saint Petersburg, Journal ministerstwa narodnago proweschenia. 1881 (april). Pp. 206–207.

14. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Primus, with a comm. by R. G. Austin. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971. XXI, 239 p.

15. Publius Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus. Christ. Gottl. Heyne, cur. Ge. Phil. Eberhard. Wagner. 4 ed. Vol. 2. Aeneidis libri I–VI. Lipsiae sumtibus librariae Hahnianae; Londini, Apvd Black, Yovng et Yovng, 1832. CLX, 698 p.

16. Otis B. Virgil, a Study in Civilized Poetry, foreword by W. W. Briggs Jr. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964. IX, 436 p.

17. P. Virgilio Marone. L’Eneide. Libro I, comm. di A. Salvatore. Precede un saggio di studio sulla lingua e lo stile di Virgilio. Napoli, 1947. LXXXIV, 79 p.

18. P. Vergili Maronis. Aeneidos Libri I–VI, rec. O. Ribbeck. Lipsiae, Teubner, 1860. Pp. 212–530.

19. Pöschl V. Die Dichtkunst Virgils: Bild und Symbol in der Äneis. 2., erweit. Aufl. Darmstadt, 1964. 301 p.

20. Saint-Beuve C.-A. Étude sur Virgile: suivie d’une étude sur Quintus de Smyrne. Paris, Garnier frères, 1857. 472 p.

21. Schmit-Neuerburg T. Vergils Aeneis und die antike Homerexegese: Untersuchungen zum Einfluß ethischer und kritischer Homerrezeption auf imitatio und aemulatio Vergils. Berlin; New York, W. de Gruyter, 1999. 381 p.

22. The Aeneid of Virgil, A verse translation by R. Humphries. London; New York, Charles Scribners’ Sons, 1951. XIII, 381 p.

23. The Aeneid of Virgil. Books I–VI, ed. with introd. and notes by T.E. Page. London; New York, Macmillan, 1894 (repr. 1967). XXIV, 511 p.

24. The Aeneid of Virgil. Books 1–6, ed. with Introd. and Notes by R.D. Williams. St Martin’s Press, 1972. XXXV, 524 p.

25. Vázquez J.G. La imagen de la poesía de Virgilio. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 1980. 339 p.

26. Virgil. Aeneid, Book I, 1–510, by A. Carruthers, J.C. Robertson. Toronto, W.J. Gage & Co. 1917. 97 p.

27. Virgil’s Aeneid. Books I–VI, with introd., notes, and vocab. by H.R. Fairclough and S.L. Brown. Chicago, Benj. H. Sanborn, 1919. LXI, 515 p.

28. Vergils Gedichte, Erkl. von Th. Ladewig. Zweites Bändchen: Aeneide Buch I–VI. Neunte Aufl. von C. Schaper. Berlin, Weidmann, 1881. VIII, 211 p.

29. Williams R.D. Virgil and the “Odyssey”. Phoenix. 1963. Vol. 17. Pp. 266–274.



How to Cite

Kotova, A. . V. . (2014). Verg. Aen. I, 498–504: On appropriateness of the simile. Philologia Classica, 9, 275–287. Retrieved from



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