Reading Zaicev


  • Leonid J. Zhmud Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of the Sciences, 5, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



This paper presents a reflection on the personality and diverse scholarly and pedagogical heritage of a classical scholar, professor of Leningrad/St. Petersburg University Alexander Zaicev, written by his former student, colleague and the editor of his works. The author provides an overview of the series “From the Heritage of A. I. Zaitsev”, characterizes lifetime and posthumous publication of his works, analyzes their perception in various circles, both university and beyond. Portrait of a teacher always responsive to his students, who determined scholarly paths, life principles and views on the ethics of professional work of several generations of Leningrad / St Petersburg classicists is inseparable in this paper from the methodology of scholarly research.


Alexander Zaicev, scholarly heritage, history of classical philology, cultural relativism


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How to Cite

Zhmud, L. (2017). Reading Zaicev. Philologia Classica, 11(2), 324–332.



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