The Children of Mnemosyne: a Contrastive Metapoetics of Pindar and Bacchylides


  • Boris Maslov University of Chicago, 1010 East 59th Street, Classics 116 Chicago, IL 60637 USA; National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, 17 Promyshlennaia, St. Petersburg 198099, Russian Federation



The article investigates the uses to which the figures of the Muse(s) are put in the poetics of Pindar and Bacchylides, considered against the background of their earlier employments in elegiac and melic poetry. Based on a thorough examination of the evidence, it argues that the two poets pursue different strategies: whereas Bacchylides develops a poetic mythology of named Muses (particularly, Ourania), Pindar redeploys the single unnamed Muse of the earlier hexameter and choral traditions, envisioning her as the poet’s collaborator. Pindar may thus be seen to originate the notion of the Muse as a deity associated with poetic composition, as contrasted with her mnemonic-epistemic role in hexameter verse.


Archaic Greek lyric, epinikion, metapoetics, authorship, the Muses, Pindar


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How to Cite

Maslov, B. (2017). The Children of Mnemosyne: a Contrastive Metapoetics of Pindar and Bacchylides. Philologia Classica, 11(2), 223–243.



Graecia antiqua